Application of microwave oven technology for dehydration of ornamental leaves
Microwave oven, Dehydration, Technology, Ornamental leaves, Eco-friendlyAbstract
The standardization of microwave oven drying technology for dehydration of ornamental leaves was done. The embedding of leaves
in silica gel and microwave oven drying (720 micro power, i.e. medium high) for 2 min was suitable technique for dehydration of
ornamental leaves of Swietenia mahagoni, Acacia auriculiformis and Hamelia patens leaves. The time of 2.5 min was appropriate for
leaves of Alstonia scholaris, Rosa spp., Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Bougainvillea glabra, 3 min for Lagerstroemia speciosa and 3.5 min
for Polyalthia longifolia and Ixora chinensis.
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