Efficient in-vitro regeneration protocol in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) from ray florets
Chrysanthemum, in-vitro, ray florets, callus induction, regeneration, proliferation.Abstract
The experiment was conducted to standardize regeneration protocol from ray florets in chrysanthemum cv. Pusa Arunodaya (TQP-
06). For callus induction, the highest callusing percent (82.67%) with a minimum number of days for callus initiation (10.87 days)
was observed in MS medium supplemented with Kinetin (10 mg/l) + NAA (1.0 mg/l) in treatment (T3). Highest shooting percent
(69.33 %) with minimum number of days for shoot initiation (6.27 days) along with maximum number of shoots per explant (5.67
shoots) in MS medium supplemented with Kinetin (5.0 mg/l) + NAA (1.0 mg/l). In shoot proliferation, the highest number of shoots
after 30 days (51.67), 60 days (72.00), and 90 days (98.67) in MS medium supplemented with Kinetin (5.0 mg/l) + NAA (1.0 mg/l).
The highest rooting percent (85.00%) with least days for root initiation (7.00 days) along with maximum roots per shoot (8.00) and
optimum root length (5.00 cm) in MS medium supplemented with IBA (0.2 mg/l). The rooted plants were successfully acclimatized
in 3-4 weeks and survived under field conditions.
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